Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Pharmacy Benefit Manager Launches Program for Lung Disease and Multiple Sclerosis

Today's blog highlights the recently published article out of the American Journal of Pharmacy Benefits that features Express Scripts' two new programs that are designed to improve care for patients living with lung disease and multiple sclerosis. 

Laurie Toich writes, "The SafeGuard Rx programs – The Pulmonary Care Value Program (PCV) and The Multiple Sclerosis Care Value Program – integrate a personalized care model strategy with a goal of overcoming adherence issues common among patients with asthma, COPD, and MS, according to the pharmacy benefits manager (PBM)." 

To learn more, read the full article HERE

HORIZON Health Ventures is a healthcare cost management solutions company used by insurance brokers, employee benefit consultants, third-party administrators, insurance companies, and associations, to bring proven thought leadership and strategy to the management of their clients healthcare costs. To learn more about HHV and their services, please visit http://horizonhealthventures.com/     

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