Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Strategies for a Well-Balanced Pharmacy Plan

Well-managed pharmacy plans don't just happen. There has to a be a plan set in place that includes the following 4 steps: formulary management, utilization management, channel management and clinical specialization. 

Express Scripts reports, "If all U.S. pharmacy plans had more tightly managed their benefit last year, the United States could have saved nearly $6 billion on its prescription drugs bill. Tightly managed plans don’t just happen. Instead, they are based on key strategies and solutions that complement each other to drive down costs and deliver better clinical value." 

Learn about these four steps in depth by reading the full Express Scripts article HERE

HORIZON Health Ventures is a healthcare cost management solutions company used by insurance brokers, employee benefit consultants, third-party administrators, insurance companies, and associations, to bring proven thought leadership and strategy to the management of their clients healthcare costs. To learn more about HHV and their services, please visit http://horizonhealthventures.com/    

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