Friday, September 9, 2016

Allergan CEO Lays Out Plan to Buck Trend of Rising Drug Prices

The American Pharmacists Association recently published the Bloomburg article, "Allergan CEO Lays Out Plan to Buck Trend of Rising Drug Prices" in their most recent newsletter. CEO Brent Saunders explains that Allergan will raise prices on its products only once a year, and increases will be limited to the single-digit percentage range.

Allergan will raise prices on its products only once a year, and increases will be limited to the single-digit percentage range, says CEO Brent Saunders. Saunders also remarked that the pharmaceutical industry has a "social contract" with patients, including an understanding that drugs should be priced to be accessible while providing profits to fuel research and development. The company will not raise prices dramatically on drugs that are about to lose patent protection and face generic competition, unless it has made investments that would justify such an increase. 

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