Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Health Insurers Enter EpiPen Battle With Infographic

America's Health Insurance Plans has been working for years to tell health policymakers, and voters, that drug companies have been contributing more than other players to high health care prices.
Now, the Washington, D.C.-based insurer trade group is pegging a new campaign to the controversy over the dramatic increase in the cost of EpiPen devices.

AHIP is encouraging news organizations to post and link to an infographic it prepared that shows how prices for seven important drugs changed between 2007 and 2014. LifeHealthPro has the full article, so be sure to check it out here

HORIZON Health Ventures is a healthcare cost management solutions company used by insurance brokers, employee benefit consultants, third-party administrators, insurance companies, and associations, to bring proven thought leadership and strategy to the management of their clients healthcare costs. To learn more about HHV and their services, please visit

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